18 December 2011


For obvious reasons, I've been in a very Christmassy mood, as I assume a lot of you are. To sort of keep that going and douse the flame in oil, I've decided to write about finding out the truth behind Santa Claus' supposed existence. Aw.

Basically, my common sense developed enough by the time I was nine that I was able to figure it out for myself. You'd think it'd end there, but...it..didn't... :D

I had to keep pretending to believe in Santa to keep my parents happy. They were reluctant to break it to me, because, after the heartbreaking experience with my older sister, they couldn't bear to go through it again. As a result, the act went on for a very, very long time. I lost track of how many times I indirectly urged my parents to tell me the truth I was already aware of (it was one of the more frustrating issues I faced when I was younger). The more I hinted at the possibility of me already knowing, the more my parents (my mom, particularly) tried to get me to believe in Santa.

The years went on and I was fourteen. My parents knew I didn't believe in Santa; I knew they knew I didn't. It was an unspoken, mutual acknowledgement; unspoken, because we never really got around to sit and...talk...about things. They just sort of assumed I knew and let things take their own course from there. However, I thought it'd be humorous to demand closure from my mom, so I asked her to tell me the truth about Santa and...she did. That's pretty much it; that's the story. Pretty different from other Santa stories, if I do say so myself. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be watching Toy Story 2. Later, guys, and have a happy Christmas!


P.S.- I apologise for any typos or mistakes in spelling/punctuation. I'll edit it when I feel like getting around to doing so.

10 December 2011

Untitled (I'm not clever enough to come up with fitting titles for what I create so, bear with me.)


Lately, there has been a lot going on. I really don't know how I've managed not to get as pathetic as I usually do when I'm stressed out. Allow me to break it down for you:
                  1)After years of asking me to join the choir, my old music teacher convinced me to try out, even though he already knew that I'm...well, not the worst singer on the face of the Earth. That's not really a bad thing, but I just thought I'd throw it in there; get it out of the way.
                  2)The second-to-last-week of school for me was just entirely composed of my peers and I bawling our eyes out, because we were so overworked. We had an exam on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, two exams for Thursday, and a project that I'm pretty sure I got a C on for Friday. Oh, we also had another exam the following Monday. Awesome.
                3)I had to do all of the work I had as practise for the midterms I never even had to take.
                4) Let's not forget the ever-present pressure I must bear regarding the whole "writing-an-article-for-school-every-week".
                5)I'm pretty sure my physics teacher indulges in seeing us freak out. Pretty sure. Sigh.
                6)My voice is raspy, because I've had to sing at so many concerts for so many days in a row. I'd drink tea, but I hate the stuff. Tastes like pure dirt.
                7)I'm on Internet withdrawal, but I'm slowly making up for the weekly dosage I've missed. Slowly, but surely.

The last few weeks of school have been a roller coaster of emotions; a roller coaster in which, metaphorically speaking, I blew more chunks than I've ever blown in my entire life. But, it's all over now, so let's focus on the good things that came out of that! For example:
               1)Now that school's over for a few weeks, I can have copious amounts of movie nights with my family. (Just yesterday, I made my dad fall in love with Lord of the Rings, which is...odd, because he's not much of a movie watcher. To think that he'd voluntarily keep watching a three-hour film after I fell asleep watching Two Towers is very strange, BUT I LIKE IT.)
              2)I pumped up my entire class yesterday before their little dance competition thingy (that I wasn't participating in, because I lack coordination) by singing for four hours straight. They eventually joined in, which was fun. I stopped after that, but they said they danced better after I sang, so...I did that... You know, kept...singing and whatnot.
             3) I got the highest score in school on the PSAT, which is nice. A certain someone has taken up contradicting everything I say and trying to make a fool out of me (a different person, this time. How I attract this sort of people, I'll never know. It's not like I'm always talking about I amazing I am, because I know more than anyone that I am far from perfect. I think they just take me seriously when I sarcastically compliment myself and insult their intelligence. Oh, sarcasm -- the underrated sense of humour and, coincidentally, my absolute favourite). But, hey, I'm sure of myself, which is more than can be said about a lot of people, unfortunately. So, he can keep going on about how great he is, while I go my merry way. Kudos to that good sir.
            4)More. Doctor. Who. Watching.
            5)More time for blogging, yay!
            6)Christmas is near! The 25 Days of Christmas movie event on ABC Family is probably one of the best things in the world. Ever.
            7)I'm eating pizza right now. Just thought you'd like to know.
            8)I get to create more awesome lists, like this one you're reading. Oh, yeah.
            9)Scrapbooking. I have a lot of junk and that's the only thing that's going to make my persistent hoarding acceptable.
            10)Video games are just so good.
            11)I'll be having a sleepover with one of my friends after she takes the midterms. This is a really bittersweet thing, because she's moving away this month. WHY DOES EVERYONE LEAVE ME?!
            12)John Green's new book might be coming out before I start school again. I hope so. It's far too tempting to just have it in my book shelf, unread, when I really have to get my poop together in school.
            13)Maybe photography is a thing I'll do in my free time.
            14)Japanese lessons.
            15)No more profuse sweating, because of the winter solstice, yo.
            17) Work of Art is a very good show and I missed too many episodes due to the late nights I've spent doing schoolwork. SUCKLORD, COME BAAAAAAACK.
            18)Days I won't do anything. Despite the Gryffindor in me, I long for the days when I don't have anything to do and can just lounge about in my room enjoying the simplicity of life, with a remote in one hand, and my teddy bear in the other. Woo, teddy bears.
           19)My sister's FINALLY coming back!

I'm very happy I wrote these lists. It's become obvious to me that the good things now far outweigh the bad things. I hope you're all enjoying your winter holiday so far. Remember that there are very few days left 'til Christmas! I'VE GOT BUTTERFLIES IN MY STOMACH, AHH.