24 November 2011

Touchy Subject is Touchy (something tells me I'll delete this post soon)

     For the record, I'd like to let you know now that I am religiously tolerant and whether or not you're an Atheist is all the same to me. These are my opinions based on my religious beliefs and , obviously, what I say about a group of people here does not apply to everyone (meaning that any stereotyping I make is purely because I don't feel like always following it with a "but, of course, that doesn't apply to everyone", because I'd easily veer off the original topic). This is just something that's been on my mind for some time now and the Atheists I know in real life have not been able to give me an actual answer to the questions that will be asked in the following post. Thank you for your time.

Why do Atheists celebrate Christmas?

For a few minutes, I'd like you to forget everything holiday specials have told you about the true meaning of Christmas and bear with me. Christmas is most definitely not about giving without expecting anything in return, spending time with your loved ones, or putting up enough lights to be on a television special. What it comes down to, basically, is celebrating the birth of Christ. Hence, Christmas. Christmas.

Jews have Hanukkah, Christians have Christmas, etc. Atheists have, well, nothing. They don't have any religious beliefs (unless you count the lack of one as a belief), so they have no religious holidays. So, why, I ask, do they celebrate Christmas, of all holidays to celebrate? Sure, people see this as a normal thing. Can't blame them, really. I used to as well. But, picture this: an Atheist family gathering around a lit menorah. Strange, right? And somewhat offensive to Jews. So, why is it not strange for Atheists to celebrate Christmas?

I've been told by a few Atheists that they celebrate Christmas purely because it's a happy time; a time when they can be with their family and be gluttons all day; a time that's more magical than Disneyland itself. I have nothing against that. Everyone's entitled to be happy, right? I just don't necessarily appreciate/understand why they keep the name of the holiday and practise almost all of the traditions that come with the holiday. I know they mean no harm, but I can't help but feel offended. You don't just steal holidays from other religions and adjust them to your beliefs. You have to understand that it's a sacred holiday. You don't go about altering the entire meaning behind it. Make your own holiday or something.

I know I come off as an ignorant fool by voicing opinions such as these, but, as an actual Christian who actually celebrates Christmas the way it's actually meant to be celebrated, I feel offended. I mean, not only are they basically changing the holiday altogether, but why this particular holiday? From my experience, whenever I come across an Atheist who enjoys trolling (the preceding phrase should be enough to tell you that what I'm about to say does not apply to all Atheists, yo), he/she is primarily against Christianity. I never hear Atheists talk against Buddhism or Hinduism. Just Christianity. I don't mean to throw Jews under the bus, but why couldn't Atheists pick Hanukkah instead of Christmas? What's the difference? You don't believe in any of it.

Some Atheists claim to celebrate secular Christmases. That's rich. A Christmas without Christ. HOW FUNNY. Why celebrate Christmas at all? Why put up a tree? Why get Christmas lights and sing Christmas carols (which, by the way, almost always have a reference to Christianity or a passage from the Bible. But, hey, you wouldn't know, because you're not Christian) and tell people how much you love Christmas? THAT IS NOT CHRISTMAS, AHH.

Again, I'm not against Atheists and I really am not trying to offend anyone. I'm sincerely wondering why Atheists do this and would really like an answer. So, if you're an Atheist with an actual, satisfying answer, please leave a comment. Refrain from swearing or name-calling. Be mature about this. Religion's not an easily-handled topic.

what is this i don't even


15 November 2011


     ...That awkward moment when you realise you've been gone for months and left no explanation for your absence, anyone? No? I thought so.

     I wish I had a great story to tell you. Something like "I was in Europe. No time for blogging, what with all the fabulous-ness goin' on in my life, as usual." However, I sort of don't have a valid excuse. Before you nod your head in disapproval of my actions, I'd like to defend myself with what will seem like a "rant" that makes me seem ungrateful or something.

     Back in late August (or early September. I can't really remember. Cool story, bro.), my dad and I met up with my principal so we could see what I got on my Differential Aptitude Test. We found out that my score in spelling was better than 99% OF THE PEOPLE WHO TOOK THE EXAM OH MY GOD AHH. My second highest score was language usage, leaving speed and accuracy, and verbal reasoning as my third highest scores. Notice: all of these things have to do with words. So, naturally, my exam told me I should be a writer, lawyer, or business woman, as those skills are used frequently in those fields. For reasons I can't remember, my principal called my English teacher in and asked her, in front of my dad and I, if I was a decent writer. She praised me so much that I was almost a wee bit embarrassed, but at the same time, so flattered that I started tearing up (I really hope no one noticed). Because of this, my principal said something along the lines of "You know, if you write something for me, maybe I can see if I can do something with it; something related to the school website."

     I'd like you all to know that I feel as though I've never really stood out in the eyes of my school's administration. If the principal ever called my name, it was to tell me to tuck my shirt in, give me a late pass, or take off my nail polish. The headmistress only ever talked to me about my sister or my dad (he installed some cameras in the school or something), never about me. So, I thought that my principal had said that just to be nice and make my dad feel happy. But one day, when there was a ceremony for the seniors and the juniors, she said (into the microphone for everyone to hear, might I add) that she'd like to speak to me. My heart was racing and I wanted to bury my head in sand. I thought I was going to be in trouble, but she just said, "What ever happened to that article you were going to write for me?" I was dumbfounded. Since  I thought she didn't mean it the first time, I never really got around to writing anything. When I asked her what she wanted me to write about, she just said "Whatever you like. You like that YouTube thing, right? That's what you told me? Then write about that. Make recommendations on videos you like."

     I went home, cracked my knuckles, and began brainstorming. The eff can I write about YouTube? I don't want to write recommendations. How am I ever going to show my style through a list of videos? That's when it hit me; I decided to write about the Internet and the impact it's had on my life. The article, however, turned out to be very informal and not up to my usual standards, so I just posted it on my blog. The next day, I went over to her and told her that I had written something, but didn't like it, so I'd write something else for her. Still, I wanted to be polite and asked her if she wanted to read it anyway and she said yes.

     We went to her office, where she went to my blog and printed out the post. The bell rang before she got to read it, so I just went to my class, like always. But, at one point in my last class, I was called over through the intercom. I expected that she didn't like it either and was going to tell me to write something else. Boy, was I wrong. The headmistress was there and she began raving about how much she loved my writing. She said that she actually read the other posts in my blog and that she loved them. Apparently, I have a "unique perspective on things." For a few weeks after that, she (the freaking HEADMISTRESS OF MY SCHOOL) had been taking me out of my class to tell me how much she loved my writing; that I should turn that into my career; that I should start building up a portfolio; that I should write something for CNN or NBC. This went on until she took me into the dean's office with her and told me that she could replace my gym class for a class in which I write stuff for my school website. Here's my excuse: I said yes.

     Why is that an excuse? Well, pretty lady, I've had to write a totally new article every week for months now and have been drained of my creativity. I have writer's block. It's TERRIBLE. Especially because I'm actually being graded on this, so I really do have to work. Sigh.

     So, there you go. I'm sorry I've been neglecting you and I'll try to update this thing a little more often, 'kay? *pinky promise*