23 June 2011

My Favourite...

film: It's a tie between Finding Neverland, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I, Back To The Future II, and Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi. Some of you might be, like, "What! But the best one is Episode V! Darth Vader revealed that he is (or 'was') in fact Anakin Skywalker! It's the most memorable revelation in film history!" Sure that was one of, if not the most important part in the trilogy (or trilogies). I agree. Completely. I just like "Return of the Jedi" more story-wise. I mean, c'mon. That was an awesome plot.
colour combination: Light blue, true white, and dark grey.
book: The Hunger Games. Even out of the entire trilogy, it's my favourite book.
possession(s): Sailor Moon manga Vol. I, my ticket to the Paul McCartney concert, GameBoy COLOR signed by Johnny Y. Bosch, iPod, Polaroid camera, my Hunger Games trilogy, and my vast collection of penguin knick-knacks.
programme: At the moment, it's got to be Sailor Moon. Doctor Who is definitely up there, but I can't really say until I've seen enough of it. I've only just started. I'm finishing season two. ;D
country: England. Hopefully, I'll move there right after I graduate.
band of all time: The Beatles.
hobbies: Singing (I'm a choir girl. I'll happily admit it. :D), dabbling on the guitar (I make it sound like I enjoy drooling all over my guitars. LOL "Dabbling" is an odd word. xD), anything crafty (jewelry-making, knitting, making my own little decked-out containers and picture frames, and I'm currently taking up scrapbooking. :D), and WRITING. I LOVE TO WRITE... Algebra isn't a hobby, right? Cos I really like that... I'd love to take up some more artsy hobbies this summer, like photography and painting.
type of bags: MESSENGER BAGS. <3
actor: Johnny Depp, yo.
card game: War.
board game: Chess. But the only board game I love to play and am good at is Mancala.

THERE! Some of my all-time favourite things! *hyperventilates* I hope we have something in common! :)

** I will be editing this from time to time. Changing, adding, or removing some things. So....y'all can just check on this every once in a while.

21 June 2011

In The Backseat

** In The Backseat is a song by one of, if not my favourite, contemporary bands, Arcade Fire. As a little side-note, I'd like to add that while others might think that Reginé is a low-quality singer, I think she's a perfect fit for the feeling and atmosphere created by their music. No other voice could ever go as well with the sounds of the piano, bass, and violin that always carry the the most boppin' melodies in their songs. So, to those of you who get the feeling of dropping orphans in acid when you hear her sing (I'm talking to you, Dad and sister), you just can't appreciate the passion that she has when she sings...and frankly, that sucks for you, man.

Now, I have been listening to this song for an eternity now. It's always been such a fantastic masterpiece to me and something I can totally relate to. Here are some of the lyrics (I've dissected the song and would like to share some of my thoughts on it with you):

I like the peace
in the backseat,
I don't have to drive,
I don't have to speak,
I can watch the country side,
and I can fall asleep.

My family tree's
losing all its leaves,
crashing towards the driver's seat,
the lightning bolt made enough heat
to melt the street beneath your feet.

Alice died
in the night,
I've been learning to drive.
My whole life,
I've been learning.

When I first listened to this song, all I thought it was about was a drive in the night, just getting lost in your thoughts while sitting in the backseat of a car and looking out the window, observing your surroundings. That idea was fun while it lasted. Yesterday, I listened to it again, and came to the conclusion that it really had nothing to do with driving. Problem was that the entire time I thought that instead of
learning, it was longing. So even the second conclusion was wrong. That conclusion, by the way, was that it was about always going in "the backseat of life" to avoid doing things for yourself. Always being driven to places, never driving to them yourself. That it was about taking the easy way in life despite the fact that deep down, you really do want to do things for yourself and become your own person, capable of looking after yourself. Basically, always being afraid to take chances. But then, I looked up the lyrics, and realised that I was wrong yet again. Now, I believe the song is about sitting back and learning from what you see out "the car window in the backseat" so you can "learn to drive". Y'know what I mean? Like, learning how to do things from others' experiences instead of your own. But, you know, I could be wrong. The song could just be about going out for a drive in the night, getting lost in your thoughts and looking out the window, watching the hundreds of thousands of blades of grass pass you by at 55mph. I guess I'll never really know until I ask Arcade Fire myself. Till then, I'll choose whatever I think it's about depending on the situation I'm in and how I feel in the moment.

*Please excuse the syntax errors (if any). I'm really sleepy and can't really think straight. I'm going to bed now. :) Goodnight!
**I _just_ found out what the song means...and good Lord, I am a moron.

3 June 2011

Goals for the Season

When I was younger, summer vacation meant staying at hotels for a few days with my family, driving around the island, and taking part in some sort of hobby. Recently, my summers have been...pretty bad. I mean, I do things that, in the moment, seem like a lot of fun, but when I go back to school and my friends are sharing their adventurous anecdotes with me and the rest of our peers, ...I look back and realise I'd done nothing memorable. I didn't go on trips, because we can't afford it (curse the lower-middle class lifestyle!), I didn't really have any fun hobbies in mind, I can't do anything with my sister, because she either likes to sleep in, go on FaceBook (a site I hate), or go out with her lover, and my curfew's messed up from staying up past midnight that first day of freedom, thus ruining any chances I'd had to go out during the day and fully appreciate the experience. Just today, in fact, I woke up at 6:00pm. I know...I know. But then, I remembered: during the second term in school last year, I made many, many lists. Lists of places I want to see, books I want to read, things I want to do, hobbies I'd like try out, films/programmes I want to watch, bands I want to check out, and things of that nature. Now, the downside of it all is that most of things I'd love to experience involve money in some way [make your own joke here]. "Get a job", you say? I agree. I just turned sixteen on the 30th of May. Why not? OH, YEAH. I have to speak in Spanish.

If you've been reading my blogs for some time, you probably know that I was born and am being raised in Puerto Rico. Puerto Ricans speak Spanish. I should speak Spanish...and I do. I'm just not able to express myself well enough. Ever since kindergarten, I have been attending an all-English school. If I ever dared to speak Spanish outside of Spanish class, I'd get fined. Yes, I would get fined. Every single time. Eventually, I got used to speaking English at all times, and my Spanish just kind of went downhill from there. This sucks, because now, when I really need that skill, I don't have it. I can't get a job if I can't convince the manager that I'm able to converse with others, let alone the manager him/herself. So, basically, I have to script what I will say to the manager, and will inevitably panic if I'm not ready for the questions that will be asked. But, come on. With my maths skills, I'm pretty sure I would at least get a job as a cashier, right? ... Let's hope so. Oh, the typical case of "should have-could have-would have"...

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that I hope everything will fall into place this summer, so I can actually have a story to tell my friends that is longer that one or two sentences. May the odds be ever in my favour (five points to those of you who recognised that)! I hope at least a few of you are able to relate to this post. Well, I regret to inform you that we must now sorrowfully part. Gotta dash!