29 July 2011

The 90s ("I feel like the future is happening!")

Yes, I know I shouldn't blog at 2:00am and, quite frankly, I don't give a flying fart. That being said, I present to you a post that I should have written a long time ago.

Ahh, the 90s. Anything reminiscent of the 90s/early childhood is über comforting (I used that word because I feel as though regular words cannot fully convey the elation I experience when I think of the 90s). A few minutes ago, I was talking to my mom and sister. For reasons I won't go into, we started talking about Barbies. Freaking Barbies. Do you gals remember Barbies? The good ones from the 90s that were atrociously anatomically inaccurate (lulz)? Yes. We were talking about the (well over) 50 Barbies we'd collected throughout the years, Barbies we wanted, and awesome playsets that were used until they fell apart. I would like to just post pictures of toys from my childhood. Not all of them are Barbies and not all of them are necessarily from the 90s, but they are fantastic enough to be ranked up their with 'em. So, let the reminiscing commence!

OH, MY GOD, I WANTED THAT. I don't remember if I actually got it, but WHOA, I WANTED IT SO BADLY.

Now I remember: I never got the water park; I got this one. Don't get me wrong -- I LOVE this thing. I'm just really obsessed with water (I'll probably post about that some other day), so I kept thinking about that other one. So, in my sad attempt to pretend it was a water park, I filled it up with water and ended up damaging the sticker decorations. That sucked. :( Still, I enjoyed opening the white closet on the top floor and "using" the mirror.

I WAS OBSESSED WITH THIS THING. OMG, Snow White and Polly Pocket? That's dope, bro. You're supposed to pull the roof up and use the playset inside. When you hit the switch that was at the bottom, the little attic (upper left window) would light up. :D

My sister had the Disney one (the one with the castle; lower left). It had a ton of secret stuff on it. :D

I really wanted this doll. I thought the way you could twirl her around with that white thing was cool. I still do, to be honest. I will get this one day. Even though I'm over ten years too late.

My sister wanted this so much! I wanted her to have it, too. I was sort of hoping she could lend it to me should she get it. xD I wanted to try taking the little fairy out of her flowery dress. :] My sister says she'll probably get this one some day. I believe her. lol

The way that horse picked up the basket was SUPER COOL. Yet another doll we wanted. Admit it. You love it, too

My sister had this doll. It was her favourite... I broke it. :D I didn't mean to, though! It was an accident! I just got too into the game, I suppose. :( She plans on buying this one (again), too. I had the Teresa one, by the way. Her clothing was purple. :D

Everything on that box I had. :D Mermaid Barbies were the best things in the world.

This doll was so cool. The Velcro stars were sometimes annoying, but overall, it was a fantastic doll. :) I loved all the jewels on her tail and stuff. (lol so eloquent)

This is one of the more memorable dolls. It was awesome. I would love to hold it one more time. :) Also, freaking bubbles came out of her crown. How freaking cool is that?

If you're a chick and are part of my generation, you MUST have played with this doll at some point in your life. P.S.- The roller-skates made some pretty rad roll-y noises.

This is pretty self-explanatory.

 I admit I gave into the fad. Bratz were pretty cool. Jade was always my favourite. :] However cool and trendy Bratz were,  though, I was, am, and always will be Team Barbie, yo. Representing...home..skillet... Dawg.

LOL I have no idea what attracted me to this doll back then. xD For some reason, I had this doll. My favourite Barbie doll, though, was a Teresa doll that was from the 70s or something. She was wearing a short, fuzzy, pink go-go dress. It had a big, furry collar. If anyone knows the name of that edition, PLEASE tell me! <3

My family and I came home from the cinema after watching Phantom Menace and..well, I liked Queen Amidala's/Sabé's style and then...this happened. I got this.

Or this one. My sister got one and I got the other. I'm still not sure which one got which... But I played with those doll SO FREAKING MUCH.

I grew up with Sony. What can I say? Freaking Spyro, Crash, Snowboarders, Tekken 3, Rayman, and all the good stuff.

Here's the funny part: I never actually owned this. The dentist I used to go to worked in an office that had tons of different gaming systems set up in the waiting room. So, basically, I played Mario Kart, Super Mario 64, this snowboarding game that I can't remember quite clearly, and [I think they had] a game similar to Galaga around once every six months. lol 

Okay, so that wraps things up. I'm pretty sure I'll remember a lot more later, so I'll just come back and edit every once in while. Hope you enjoyed this flash from the past as much as I did. :) Goodnight.


I just wish my life could be 1995-2004 on repeat. That'd be pretty sweet.

11 July 2011


So, a dear friend I met last year moved to the States. :( Since we never got around to painting ceramics, I thought I'd make her an Internet-y type thing as a goodbye "present"...."remembrance"? "Memorial". Beats me. I have no idea what to call it. At any rate, Yosenit, this post's fo' youuuu.


  • your extremely hearty laugh. 'Tis very hearty indeed.
  • "JOSIEVET! JOSIEVET!"/"Lauren. :D"
  • the way we randomly break into strange Euro-Asian type accents. Now that I think about it, the accent sounds like Viceroy Gunray's accent. LOLOL (If you don't watch Star Wars, just YouTube "Phantom Menace part 1" -- it's the green guy who says "It's Queen Amidala herself!". You'll find it sounds like the accent we use. xD)
  • "Oh, I like your nail polish! Where'd you get it?" "WALMART."
  • the fact that you and Nicole always either ditch me and watch me from afar, and make fun of how unbelievably awkward and nerdy I am or just send me away to "mind your spot" at the food court or something and always look at me, giggling...at how unbelievably awkward and nerdy I am. Yes, believe it or not, I will miss that. lol "You always take out your DS. You're just really awkward." Well, it'd be weirder if I started talking to myself, now wouldn't it? xD
  • the infamous janitor mating call. (I can only imagine how people who aren't in on that joke react to this one, haha.)
  • "Combat BOOTS!" "You wear them in combat... :D"
  • the iodized salt that may contain salt.
  • how I never really got into the otaku scene, but was entertained by you and Nicole's dance-and-sing-along numbers nevertheless.
  • "*giggles* Martha!"
  • your babbling. You didn't babble much (I should know. I practically invented babbling. Actually, maybe Nicole's up for that title, what with gems such as "It's bigger in New York" and all. lol), but the few times you did babble, it was so full of failure that it automatically counteracted the failure and instead produced pure awesomeness. It was magical.
  • the fact that we're so dorky, we became friends because of the bonding magic that is Sailor Moon. I am forever grateful that we became friends. :)
  • calling you Asian. I have no idea why I enjoy doing that so much (that's what she said! Booyahhhhh).
  • the amazing times you, Nicole, Amanda, and I had at the conventions. Mostly you, Nicole, and I, cos Amanda only went with us to one of the many conventions we attended. Still, I'm glad you were there when we all met Johnny Yong Bosch...where you didn't fail to make fun of  how nerdy I am for awkwardly taking out my GameBoy so he could sign it. lol You always seize the opportunity, don't you?
  • Above all, I'm going to miss you. Like, physically seeing you, hearing your voice, and hugging you. Sitting with you at lunch and discussing the most random things, laughing so very loudly...maybe too loudly. xD I really hope you come back for Christmas so we can hang out again!
So...yeah. I'll miss a lot of things. So many that I can't even remember all of them, so I just included some of the most memorable ones in the list above. I hope you do well in school, have fun with your boyfriend (not that kind of fun, yo.) and the rest of your friends, and are just really happy. :D Stay in touch! <3

                                                            Hoping you are well,
                                                                           Laura [insert last name here ... What? You can't be too careful, what with all those pedo-bears who lurk around the web and all.]