23 June 2011

My Favourite...

film: It's a tie between Finding Neverland, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I, Back To The Future II, and Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi. Some of you might be, like, "What! But the best one is Episode V! Darth Vader revealed that he is (or 'was') in fact Anakin Skywalker! It's the most memorable revelation in film history!" Sure that was one of, if not the most important part in the trilogy (or trilogies). I agree. Completely. I just like "Return of the Jedi" more story-wise. I mean, c'mon. That was an awesome plot.
colour combination: Light blue, true white, and dark grey.
book: The Hunger Games. Even out of the entire trilogy, it's my favourite book.
possession(s): Sailor Moon manga Vol. I, my ticket to the Paul McCartney concert, GameBoy COLOR signed by Johnny Y. Bosch, iPod, Polaroid camera, my Hunger Games trilogy, and my vast collection of penguin knick-knacks.
programme: At the moment, it's got to be Sailor Moon. Doctor Who is definitely up there, but I can't really say until I've seen enough of it. I've only just started. I'm finishing season two. ;D
country: England. Hopefully, I'll move there right after I graduate.
band of all time: The Beatles.
hobbies: Singing (I'm a choir girl. I'll happily admit it. :D), dabbling on the guitar (I make it sound like I enjoy drooling all over my guitars. LOL "Dabbling" is an odd word. xD), anything crafty (jewelry-making, knitting, making my own little decked-out containers and picture frames, and I'm currently taking up scrapbooking. :D), and WRITING. I LOVE TO WRITE... Algebra isn't a hobby, right? Cos I really like that... I'd love to take up some more artsy hobbies this summer, like photography and painting.
type of bags: MESSENGER BAGS. <3
actor: Johnny Depp, yo.
card game: War.
board game: Chess. But the only board game I love to play and am good at is Mancala.

THERE! Some of my all-time favourite things! *hyperventilates* I hope we have something in common! :)

** I will be editing this from time to time. Changing, adding, or removing some things. So....y'all can just check on this every once in a while.

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